I used the Gordian Knot suite to prepare a divx movie. However, I must of skipped the cropping section and now the avi has those top and bottom black borders. How can I process the avi to remove them rather than redoing the whole process that will take hours and hours. Thanks.
Are you certain the movie has those borders encoded into the file? If you are playing in fullscreen mode or on a tv it's possible that those have just been added on to the playback, especially if it's a widescreen movie on a non-widescreen tv. I'd load the file in something like VDUB and look at the properties.
Btw, if you the borders are real and you feel you must have them I think that you will probably want to do it over since the only way I know of cropping requires re-encoding the movie and you will lose more quality in the process.
Ya, the borders were in the movie because when I went full screen, the movie did not go full left to right but was like a postage stamp in the middle of the screen. I took your advice and redid the whole thing. Now another problem. Movie is now 704MB. Too big for a CD. No probs says I, just go into VirtualDub and clip some of the intro and or some of the credits. Right .... now the sound is all screwed up in the clipped version! I used GordianKnot suite to create the DivX avi and when I open the 704MB file it says: "VirtualDub has detected an improper VBR audio encoding .. will rewrite the header with std CBR values. This may introduce 16863 ms of skew. If unacceptable (Duh!) decompress the audio and recompress with CBR encoder." Now where do I go from here? Wiener
Do you still have the avi file from before you tried to clip off the credits? If so and if it's still intact then don't worry about it being 704 MB. If you are using 700 MB discs you can use nero to overburn on the CD. Secondly, when it comes to clipping, did you clip it at a keyframe? If so and the sound screwed up you probably would have to decompress the audio before you clipped the movie.
I'll have to try the overburn next time I have a larger file. I did clip using keyframes. As I recall, I did end up recompressing the audio and everything is fine now. Thanks for the advice.