How to cut the begining,ending credits?

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by paiger651, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. paiger651

    paiger651 Regular member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Hey, im new to DVD-Rebuilder ive been playing around with it the last couple of days.How do i cut the begining and ending credits out like i was able to with Dvd-Shrink's(set start end frame option)is there a simple way to do that?

    Thanks for the help.

    Edit:Im using DVD rebuilder PRO.
    Just to add im backing up movie only im ripping movie only with Any-Dvd CloneDvd2.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2007
  2. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I recommend ripping with a stand alone ripper (RI4M, dvd fab decrypter). ripping with a transcoding utility (even set at no compression) can alter/process the files thus detereorating the sorce folder you load into rb/cce therefor defeating the reason for using rb/cce in the 1st place. rebuilder can only work with what is put in it. if the sorce has problems they will be there after rb/cce is done. a stand alone ripping utility will not alter the ripped files.

    rebuilder won't let you edit out/clip portions of a block that I am aware of. the software that I use and highly recommend is DvdReMaKe Pro it is the best editing software I know of. it will not only let you edit out previews, warning screens, adverts, and unwanted extras but also allow you to clip parts from blocks (like credits) and even merge dvd's and make them play continueosly if you choose (although making them play continueosly requires some work and practice).

    I use remake on every backup I do.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  3. paiger651

    paiger651 Regular member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Mort i didn't realize that if the transcoder was diabled in CloneDvd2 that it still altered the files.Thanks ill use RipIt4Me now but i have a question if i use RipIt4Me to Rip main movie only it picks the wrong file on certain movies such as DEJA VU becaue the main movie is a smaller size than the (Director's making of feature)in CloneDvd i could preview the title and change that to the correct title.So should i rip the complete movie first and then use DvdReMake Pro to choose the correct title for main movie only.Is there a guide on how to do main movie only using DvdReMake Pro.

    Thank you for your help Mort.
  4. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    yes. you can view all the video title sets and hide the ones you don't want. I'm not sure if there's a fully functional trial for remake but you might want to try the regular (not pro) version 1st. you can always upgrade to pro. I can't remember if the regular version will let you clip out portions of blocks (credits) though. a lot of times the credits are in the last block of the movie video_ts in which case you can just hide that block.

    you can download the user manual here
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  5. whiscombe

    whiscombe Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    I rip my DVD s with RI4M and then use Shrink on the files to leave me with the movie only.

    I then use the start end frame option in Shrink to cut off the beginning and end.

    I do this with no compression and then run the resulting file through DVD Rebuilder.


    Are you saying that Shrink will affect my file and deteriorate it before it even gets to DVD rebuilder?

    Will I get a better result if I rip the DVD with RI4M and then use Movie Only mode in DVD Rebuilder (without using Shrink to save me a few extra % at the beginning and end of the movie)?
  6. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    there are different opinions on this but I have personally experienced corrupt file problems when using dvd shrink (set on no compression) to rip and edit the folder before loading it into rb/cce as my sorce folder. I highly discourage using dvd shrink or any other transcoding utility as a ripper/editor. like I stated previously, trancoding apps can alter/process files even set at no compression. for best overall results, rip with a stand alone ripper and then edit with a stand alone editing utility.
  7. whiscombe

    whiscombe Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    Thanks Mort,

    I've never had any corruption issues but if there is a chance Shrink is altering the source file I will stop using that method.
  8. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    by corruption issues I mean it can look like the compression was too high (pixelation, bluriness, background jumping around). I isolated the problem to using dvd shrink as the ripper/editor by ripping the same dvd with a stand alone ripper and then edited out the same parts using remake and all problem areas were gone.

    this has been an ongoing debate for some time and most have concluded it is best not to use a transcoding utility as a ripper/editor to make a sorce folder for rb/cce. I learned the hard way and will never use a transcoder as a ripper/editor again.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If the plan here is to just get the movie only then you can rip the entire movie and RB Pro can encode movie only with or without menus and even blank extras. I'm not sure why you want to remove credits unless you're referring to the FBI/Interpol splash screens and for those you can use DVDremake. If you're uncertain as to how to accomplish this then go to the DVDremake web site and download the manual, it has a small guide in it for doing that.
  10. paiger651

    paiger651 Regular member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Thanks,the only reason i like to remove all the begining credits is so the movie will start to play as soon as you put the disc in.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    When you do movie only the movie starts at the movie studios logo screen. There's a problem when you start cutting into the movie because you are then cutting into the PGC chains and unfortunately many movies play an intro that sets the stage for what is to come up to 10 minutes or more in length before the credits begin. DVDremake can allow you to do that and you can reconnect the chains so that it will remain compliant.

    If you don't have it you can pick it up here.
  12. paiger651

    paiger651 Regular member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Sophocles and Mort81 thanks i got DVDremake and that does what i needed.So now i use RI4M,DVDremake and DVD-RebuilderPro doing movie only.The quality of these backups are definately worth the longer wait:)
  13. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    sounds good and you're welcome.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No prob, often the movie only feature of RB pro is adequate but when it's not then Remake fills the void.
  15. S2K

    S2K Regular member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    I feel it is important to clarify that mort81is wrong if one is copying movie only. There is no "ongoing debate either."

    I highly recomemnd using dvdshrink to clip out files. it is free, requires no learning curve for the huge base of people who have used it often, and is fast.

    If you use dvdshrink to clip credits, which would be done in reauthor after a proper rip from r4m or anydvd, with no compression it is not going to do anthying whatsoever that mort81 implies.

    Using dvdshrink is in fact a very good solution to the OP's question. It is simple. rip first with a good ripper. Then use dvdshrink to reauthoer, edit out opening and closing credits. save to folder with no compression (just fake out with dvd9 in prefs). Then use dvdrebuilder. (I recommend dHC) .

    The DVD shrink part takes about 1 minute work and about 5 minutes passive to save to a folder for dvdreb.

  16. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    as I said there is an ongoing debate about transcoding utilities, set at no compression, altering or processing the files when used as editing software.

    obviously as you can tell by S2K's rude post he doesn't agree with my and others experience's that have had problems using a transcoder as an editor. there's nothing wrong with posting opinions or preferaces but to flat out say somebody is wrong is out of line. who are you to say you are not the one who is in the wrong.

    personally I don't care how people rip, edit, compress, and burn. I was simply passing on what I have learned from other very knowledgeable people and my own personal experiences. I have seen the problem with my own eyes and isolated the problem to using dvd shrink (SET AT NO COMPRESSION) to edit the folder. believe who and what you want and then do as you like. I will comment on this subject no longer
    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  17. S2K

    S2K Regular member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    there is no debate. Please visit vedeohelp or doom9 maybe you will learn a bit about dvd structure and files. you are making a flat out incorrect statement.

    Shrink as an editor with no compression doesn't "corrupt" a thing.

    my post was not "rude." You gave very in accurate information.
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Debates are fine, it's when they erupt into arguments that things go awry.

    Not really, if you want to learn a bit more about the structure of a DVD use DVDremake and study the actual DVD's structure laid out in a tree. You will find however that different DVD's more often than not have different structures. When I was involved in the last DVD Shrink Beta test I notice a curious difference in how DVd Shrink ripped in comparison to DVD Decrypter. For some reason the Shrink ripped files always came in smaller than those done by DVD Decrypter.


    Perhaps you could answer this.



    If you look at the bottom left of the image you will note that there are physical differenced in the size of both rips and yet no compression was applied to either. So why is the one ripped by DVD Shrink about 200 megabytes smaller? That's almost a 4% difference in the two rips. I am usually tickled to death when there are 200 megabytes of foreign language sound files to remove.

    If you look at both folders you will see that both rips contain the same files which are supposedly untouched since both were meant to be straight rips.
    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  19. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    good points Soph.

    what can they tell me about dvd structure that I don't already know? this is not the only forum I am a member of. I use DvdReMake Pro now to successfully restructure dvd's and it breaks down the structure of a dvd more than any other software that I am aware of.

    since as you say "there is no debate" I am also curious to know why the folder ripped using dvd shrink (set at no compression) is smaller, if it doesn't alter or process the files, than the folder ripped (same dvd) using a stand alone ripping utility?

    I don't appreciate being told I need to learn more about dvd structure when I more than likely already know more about it than the accuser. I have been involved in this subject too many times and have personally had problems using dvd shrink as a ripper/editor. I no longer wish to comment on the matter but would like to know the answer to the question at hand.
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Actually nobody should be calling anybody down for any view point. View points are what makes a forum work because without them we would all be empty headed sheep.

    It would seem to me that you both have more in common than you might imagine.

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