Hi Guys I'm in the process of converting some old laserdisc karaoke discs to VCD for my dad. Thing is there are usually two discreet channels of sound. The left channel usually has just the backing music, while the right channel has the original singer. I'm not sure what program i would use to modify the audio to achieve this when creating a vcd Any help would be much appreciated JP
I'll explain further. I'm using the VIVO of my graphics card to get the obtain the video input via the laserdiscs RCA output. To get the sound, the RCA output goes to the line in of my computer. Then, I'm using a realtime video encoder to produce the MPEG for the VCD. However, as I'm recording the input in reatime, I can only have one audio input (either the music or original) coming "into" the computer at the same time, right?? correct me if i'm wrong (prob am!!) What I'm thinking of doing is recording two MPEGs, one for each audio stream, then somehow extracting the audio of one of the MPEGs and somehow pasting it as, say, the left channel of the other MPEG. Thing is i have no real idea of which apps to use to achieve this. Sorry for the length of this, I'm sorry if I have just misunderstood your reply Thanks again JonnyP
You are recording the audio in stereo. Stereo has Left and Right channels. You can record 'both channels' st the same time.