I used plain white tooth paste (I used sensodine) with a round flat cosmetic cotton face pad. The kind you take make up off with. I put the toothpaste on the DVD with my finger, then worked the toothpaste in a circular motion for a few minutes intil it was removed completely from the DVD. Popped it in the DVD recorder and it worked great.
Most of the time that only works with small scratches. Deeper ones aren't always able to be fixed. I have motorized one from Memorex and I had to run a DVD 10 times through it to get the scratches out.Then I made a new copy of the DVD.
there is no way to fix a scatched dvd.the best you can do is a short term fix (so you can watch the disc with it stuffing up as mentioned in the first post) or repairing it to the point where you are able to make a successful copy (as mentioned in the 2nd post).I use to use alco swabs to clean discs.seen toothpaste work to the point where i could successfully back up a scratched music cd.also been told vinigar is good for cleaning discs havnt tryed it myself.i also use to use metho to clean discs.