What you need: Time A Blank DVD A DVD Burner ConvertXtoDVD - http://www.vso-software.fr/download_product_direct.php?product=convertxtodvd Crack - http://www.i'manidiot.com edited by ddp Depending on the file size this can take some time Short Clips - 10mins Long Clips - 20mins Movies 700MB-1GB - 3-4Hrs This is a very easy and simple thing to do: say you've got a downloaded movie in the format of .avi - this won't play on your DVD player/games console so we need to convert it: Download ConvertXtoDVD (for free), this program is easy to use so I don't need to explain it.
Hi there, A big thank you for offering VSO ConvertXtoDVD, because it is a great tool. Where you get -100 points, is offering a CRACK.EXE with it VSO ConvertXtoDVD is an awsome software, and not so expensive, to let you convert all your movies to DVD !
lee91, read the forum rules above about posting & piracy as piracy is not condoned on this site. post edited