Well... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811517004 Before I bought it, I didn't even realize the structure of it is like this. However, when I received the case and opened it, I was a bit disappointed. Now here comes the question how I can install my DVD ROMs? I have two DVD ROMs and one Bluray drive. So as you can see there are two cages in the front and two fans attached to them. As far as I know, I could install only 3 CD/DVD drives, no more. Besides, they have to be installed on top of one another, and there is no space for cooling.
This case looks like a clone of the Antec Nine hundred in the way the cages are designed. This should mean you can remove one of the hard drive cages to get more room. However, there are already 3 slots for DVD drives, and you only have three drives. I don't see where the problem is.
I would like my DVD drives to be installed like this pattern: - The very top slot is for the first DVD drive - leave the second slot blank because of air flow - Then the second DVD drive in the third slot - leave a empty slot. - The third DVD drive. Because I do not want to install them tightly close to one another without space in between. This happened to my old PC...I had to buy a new DVD drive every three months. I think the effect is that while the first one was burning a DVD because of the vibration, which affects the second one that is not in use. By and by, the second one got damaged and broke.
I have never had that problem, perhaps you should buy better quality DVD drives? Either way, it's easy to do this, you just remove the middle hard disk cage and use those slots for the DVD drives. Use the slot covers you removed from the slots that do have a drive, to cover up the ones that won't. Of course, doing this you're limited to using three hard drives max - if you need more and you want to space optical drives like this, you should have gone with a case with dedicated 5.25" bays, like a coolermaster HAF or similar.
Yes...I think I should heed your advice. However, by the time I created this thread, I had already bought the case. The most difficult thing with this case is to install harddrives, and a lot of people are complaining about this. I have to see how I can install the hard drives. I think the case you recommended, coolmaster is the best, cuz this is what I use for my current computer.