Hi, I have ripped many Music DVD's with DVD Decrypter and I want to make a compilation DVD-R with many music clips from the DVD's I ripped. I need to select the Videos I want, put it in order, and create a menu (not necessary- optional) and Burn it to a DVD-R. Thanks Antonio
Hi there Antonio, welcome to aD, You have done the hard part - getting the files on your HD. What you need do now is pickup the files, one by one with DVD Shrink (File - Open disc image) then use DVD Shrink's Re-author mode to crop that which you want to use in your finished product. Drag your file from the right side of the window to the left and then use the [->begin, end <~] to get the clips you want. To get your custom menus, download DVDLab - easy to use and outstanding results. Good luck with your project, Pete