How to put Flipper disc like Goodfellas on 1 DVD-R

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by carlitob, Apr 21, 2003.

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  1. carlitob

    carlitob Regular member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    The reason im writing this is because it took me over 2 weeks to finally figure out how to do this and I thought I would share.

    1. RIP from DVD to 2 seperate folders mine were GOODFELLAS_4X3LB_NA and GOODFELLAS_4X3_NA_PT2

    2. Open VTS_01_4.VOB on the part 1 folder with VobEdit. On the left side of screen scroll down to 332583 which is the last navigation pack and says VOB:2 (remember this)

    3. rename files on Part 2 Folder from

    VTS_01_1.VOB to VTS_01_001.VOB
    VTS_01_2.VOB to VTS_01_002.VOB
    VTS_01_3.VOB to VTS_01_003.VOB
    VTS_01_4.VOB to VTS_01_004.VOB

    4. Open the first VOB file (VTS_01_001.VOB) with VobEdit, and choose the Menu: 'Edit -> Join Clips':

    A filedialog will apear, where you have to specify a destination directory for the final VOB file-set. You better choose a new empty directory for that.
    A second dialog will pop up, where you have to specify a starting VOB-ID. This time we are using Nr: 3 :

    5. After you join the VOBS in a new folder rename them to

    VTS_01_1.VOB = VTS_01_5.VOB
    VTS_01_2.VOB = VTS_01_6.VOB
    VTS_01_3.VOB = VTS_01_7.VOB
    VTS_01_4.VOB = VTS_01_8.VOB

    6. Create a new folder named final. Put in all the appropriate VOB's.


    7. Open IfoEdit click create IFO's. Choose
    Creat 1 PGC Only and Create Chapter for each cell. Also put checkmark in Same as Source. Choose VTS_01_1.VOB

    8. Use DVD2One to fit to a DVD. Note: when I used DVD2One it only went to 50% but it created the movie just fine. Burn with Nero or whatever you wanna burn with.

    PS. Props to Derrow from the following page: without this I wouldn't have realized how to do this. The hardest part for me was locating the Navigation pack. which now that I know where it is makes me feel stoopid.

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