Hello, Iv'e been tring to rip audio to my HD to mp3 to eventually make a mp3 disc for my car. Problem is there are small gaps between songs that should run into each other. not 1 or 2 sec. gaps because you forgot to check the box that says don't create a 2 sec gap. just a small 1/10th of a sec. gap. iv'e tried many ways ripping to wave in EAC or Audition and then convert to mp3. the waves don't have gaps when i rip then but when i use EAC or Audition or Roxio ect. to convert to mp3 it makes that gap. and iv'e tried different mp3 encoders too. last thing i tried was to rip to mp3 useing roxio then put it in Audition, zoom in very close and cut the ends, the flatline part, and then just hit save. Then i open ed the file back up and there was the gap again. I tried WMA too. Same thing. Do these encoders don't care about keeping the exact length of a song. because a few millaseconds is enough to notice when you want to here pink floyd's speak to me go into brethe in the air. Is there any kind of software that will not do this. Any help would be appriciated. Thanx.
I was just replying to a similar question (about mp3 gaps)... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/352972 ...I didn't really have an "answer," but I did find this page that talks about it: why it happens, solutions, and such, so I'll pass it on to you. http://www.answers.com/topic/gapless-playback