New to this. Is there s/w available that allows one to capture a particular frame from a DVD and save it as an image file, e.g. jpeg?
NeroVision in the Nero suite can do this. There's a free trial available if you don't already have it. Start NeroVision Make a DVD Video Add the video you want into the project Choose to edit the video Find the frame you want. Click the little camera icon I think it dumps out a png type file. I would think almost any program that allows for editing video will do the capture.
I believe there is an easier way to do this. (and it's free Rt click on the desktop and choose Properties.Click on the Settings Tab. At the bottom right, click on Advanced.Choose the Troubleshooting Tab and set your Hardware Acceleration all the way to the left. Click OK twice. Now start your video and when the screen you want to copy plays, hit prt scr. Now start your image editing software and paste the screen capture into it. There you go. Don't forget to set your hardware acceleration back to it's original setting when through.
The easiest way I've seen to do this is using the capture feature of the DVD player software. WinDVD 7 and Nero ShowTime have the capture frame feature. If I remember correctly, PowerDVD has the feature as well.
Thank you. The Nero showtime seems to be the ticket but when I'm playing the dvd, the pause button is not active so I can't stop it at the scene I want. Can you please tell me what is wrong? Thank you
When you are playing a DVD in Nero ShowTime, you're not able to pause the movie with the space bar or the pause button on the Nero Showtime console? That doesn't sound right. You're aiming for the button shown in this screen grab, yes?
Yes. Thank you. For some reason, my computer needed restarted and after that, the pause button worked. Very Strange.
You can do this with windows media player. Right click on the movie during play and click dvd features + capture image.