keep your burners on seperate ide channels master or slave I find doent seem to mater some will argue master is better but to use both nero should give you a option in the form of a tick box when you set your burn quantity to two or more
Ya Master and other slave Do you plan on using 2 burners at the same time on the same computer? You have a pretty nice computer according to your sig, but I dont know if burning 2 dvd's at the same time is the best of ideas. I just ordered a Benq 1655 on sunday night arrival on thursday hopefully. Burning dvd's takes up alot of resources, never the less 2 at the same time. There not like cd's. I haven't ever heard of someone doing 2 dvd's at the same time, nor have i ever had 2 dvd burners, so I haven't ever tried. Right now i have a CDR-W and a DVD-RW, and soon 2 DVD-RW's. But to your question one should be master, and the other should be slave. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by using them both at the sametime, by just having 2 discs data // movie. Or actually having 2 nero's open and burning 2 dvd's. But Goodluck and let us know how it all goes. Storm~
are you using nero burning rom not nero express I often burn multiples using two burners without a problem never tried two different projects at the same time though
Stupid question but did you hold down the cntrl key whilst you selcted both burners PS you blocked out the best part of your desktop 8-(
Thanks for that gunna have to stay with good old windows bliss though never get any work done with her on my desktop
just 4yi ... I burn 2 at a time always, and have no problems with my 1655's and nero 7... 95-99% consistantly....