I've taken pictures with my digital camera and it's size is a little bigger than I expected... I was wondering if there was anyways to shrink its file size to about 1 mb or less...I have photoshop6.0 and ulead 4.0 but don't know how to use it... thanx for your time and help
Sorry you've paid a bundle for that Photoshop software ! but here's a link to a free piece of software you can use to convert ,shrink (resize), and view almost all images you can think of ! http://www.irfanview.com/main_download_engl.htm If your present image is already in the jpeg format --= you can resize it smaller. If it's a gif format --> convert it to jpeg format then check if the size is now what you want.
open your digital photos with Photoshop 6.0, click IMAGE tab, scroll down to IMAGE SIZE, then enter your desire pixels or demensions until it reaches your desire file size, the hit OK.