How to speed up your computer [tut]

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by lilazn7, Sep 12, 2006.

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  1. lilazn7

    lilazn7 Member

    Jan 23, 2006
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    Don't you hate it when u wanna blur a bit of a photo but you have to wait a boring long minute while bloody photoshop loads? Don't you hate the slow boot-up times when you ABSOLUTELY have to get on the computer pronto?

    Don't stand for it!

    I stumbled along this site while hacking a game.. and the protection system kept on restarting my computer.. and i found it when searching "make restart quicker".

    Hope this helps you all!

    There are 5 tutorials in general that I'd recommend you to read.

    Make Windows Boot Faster \(^^,)/ (yay)'

    The above worked for me fine, now I boot in what.. less than 45 secs?

    How to tell Adobe Photoshop lag opening times 'Screw You!'

    This worked a lot for CS2 not so much jus CS.. but it helps a lot when using extra brushes!

    How to speed up Mozilla Firefox

    I'm not a personal fan, I use IE ^_^ but yeah, thought this might be useful for all you people with FireFox tags in ur sigs!

    How to improve memory performance

    This works.. a lot! I have 1GB ram and it helps starting progs etc.

    How to increase bandwith (ZOMG WT)

    This helps a lot with P2P downloading. YUM! BANDWITH *yumyum*

    Hope this helps you all!

  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Wow, a page long advertisement for XS...
    and not to mention, a bad one at that.
    And of course there's the fact that we have some very similar guides here on AD....
    Care to try again?
  3. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Information from that page that is FALSE!

    There IS NO value 5 for that entry. Only 0, 1, 2 and 3. Set your option to 1 or 2, boot files/program files respectively, 0 is off, 3 is all.

    All that does is remove the prefetching for programs you've ran the last time the computer was running...or the most commonly used programs. This option prefetches system files.

    The prefetch parameter for Adobe works really well, been out for some time now.

    To run Firefox quicker, that's been out for decades now...(not literally), and if you use FireTune, you don't have to use about:config. Setting your pipeline to 50 queries is TOO FAST! and will actually slow down your connection to some servers.

    Improving memory performance:

    The first tweak is essential. The other is not unless you are running a server. From Microsoft:

    Unless you're computer has an extraordinary amount of system ram, do not use this tweak.

    Limited bandwidth? hahahaha...set to Disabled if it's Enabled, or simply remove QoS Packet Scheduling from your network properties. You can also disable the service.

    You really want to increase your network bandwidth? Open up your NIC settings to a use Full 100TBase settings, and not Auto Configured. You cannot increase your bandwidth for your internet unless you pay for more thru your ISP.

    Sorry lilazn7, not trying to shoot down what you posted, you're just sharing the information....but that "techie" that posted that stuff is posting 4 year old information that has been on the net in so many other forums and xp tweak sites such as

    If you are a part of that forum, you have permission to tell them exactly what I said, and point to this conversation.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
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