Hi all, Can someone tell me how to use "BeSweet" to convert my DVD Music to Wave so that i can burn it and listen to on my car cd player??? I use Dvd Audio Ripper before and the sound quality is pretty bad!! Any help will be great !
I always demuxed in Decrypter before using BeSweet to convert my audio, but I just noticed that BeSweet will accept a VOB file on the input side and strip out the audio. So either approach should work.
I'm just beginning to use BeSweet and ordinarily wouldn't consider myself qualified to help you, but it seems that getting help with BeSweet is hard to come by. So here's an attempt on my part; it might get you headed in the right direction. I've had some success simply through trial and error. I'm using the Gordian Knot GUI. Upon opening, click on your tool of choice on the right side of the screen above the "Batch Mode" button. You have options of Azid 1 & 2, Lame 1 - 3, etc. Select BeSweet. Upon selecting BeSweet, the upper left of the screen lists: -BeSweet.exe with a folder icon (click on folder and find the BeSweet.exe file if necessary). The bottom of the pop-up screen will indicate "Valid" when you've made a proper selection. Note this valid indicator is also used on the other pop-up screens described below. Click OK. -Azidts.exe with a folder icon; Same as above - find file if necessary. -Input with folder icon (click on folder icon and find your audio source; the available files will be listed on right side of pop-up screen. If you don't see the files, change the file type source selection by using the pull down menu, e.g. AC3, VOB, MP2 source. Click OK. Select one of the BeSweet profiles (upper right corner of the screen), e.g. DSPguru AC3 for DolbyDigital-CD. Select the green "AC3 to WAV" button and transcoding should begin. Good Luck.