Hey everyone, I am trying to get into FLAC files and have downloaded Lame to try and change them into MP'3s to listen to on my stereo's. Basically how do I use Lame to do it?
Not sure if razor will do Flac directly. May have to convert Flac to Wave, Wave to mp3. It's an extra step. Something else to try, DBpoweramp, download the converter, then if necessary, the Flac plugin. http://www.dbpoweramp.com/download.htm
Not sure it does those direct Dave. there is a free tool which might do nicely (with a little setting up maybe) http://projects.robinbowes.com/flac2mp3/trac/wiki/WindowsInstall
Thanks Varnull - I must admit, on the rare occasion that I did something similar in the (distant) past, I always used the old Winamp 2.x. to play the Flac's - You could set the output to write the wave's to files, rather than play them. Then I'd use Razorlame as mentioned on the Wave's. I always exhaust the possibilities of the software I've already installed, I guess that comes from getting a bit long in the tooth. Downside is, lots of nice freeware I'm not familiar with ! Cheers, Dave
Thanks guys but is it possible to get some direction on how to use these. Basically I just want to burn these flac files to CD or DVD if possible and play them on my stereos.
I use both Media Monkey and image burn. They both are wonderful apps and support burning flac files to disk. I do not burn flacs to disk since I convert them to extream quality mp3s to conserve space and I do believe they sound as good.