Hi guys, I need some quick help with finishing this batch file. My batch file includes commands with quickly removing directories and files but it needs one thing I can't get to work properly. My question is how to write a command prompt command to uninstall a program? Here is my current batch file setup - echo off color 2 pause TASKKILL /IM NetClient.exe TASKKILL /IM cellularplugincontroller.exe TASKKILL /IM netcfgsvr.exe TASKKILL /IM netclientsvc.exe TASKKILL /IM netlogsvc.exe TASKKILL /IM netmsg.exe TASKKILL /IM comsmithmicrosdkserver.exe call "C:\Program Files\SOTI\MobiControl\Uninstall.bat" net user student /del net user username "" rd /s /q "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Software - Be Careful" del /s /q "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Help_LION_Audio_Issues.pdf" rd /s /q "C:\Program Files\SOTI" del /s /q "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Connect to At&T Network" DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:Internet-Explorer-Optional-x86 wmic product where name="AT&T Global Network Client LaptopConnect Edition" call uninstall Y exit shutdown -s Hope you guys can help, still having trouble with the AT&T part as I see it. Still new to this but I'll manage with instructions. Thanks again
Ffirst check for typos.. and don't you need to be a lot more specific when you call the uninstall routine? These primitive dos things look very strange to my eyes these days.. what dos version is it for anyhow? I don't remember "uninstall" being a batch file command.. $uninstall" could be, calling a pre determined subroutine from a specified location set in a variables array or loaded with a get $="uninstall".. that looks far too much like C++ for my liking tho.. too many years scripting for linux and perl This should help.. http://www.dostips.com/DtTutoFunctions.php