hey everyone i got a HP740idvd writer16x+/- DL... can you use the firmware fore the HP840i burner?the firmware i have now has not been updated for a long time was curious if you cna use another hpburners firmware
Ok this might be of interest to you. http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=178207 The firmware is found here http://italianjob.ifrance.com/ Get back to me.. BTW follow the instructions [bold]exactly[/bold] in the Cd freaks link
i got the lg download but i cant get the hp840 to download as a zip file so i can get the bin file from it. any sugestions
Ok well try getting the Hp frmware from here http://tdb.rpc1.org/#HP840B NB!: It is in beta ^ ^ that firmware (just a disclaimer on my part) however it shouldnt rly matter ok
@ LOCOENG havent gotten it yet, we run into a few money problems here at the home front(wife laid off) so its on the back burner right now.... if all these HP drive are rebagged LG's and you can flash the840i to the LG4166 can you bypass flashing the 740i (which i have) to the 840i and then to the lg4166, and just flash it right to the 4166 ????
I wouldn't try that or else you might be forced to buy a new drive sooner. Sorry to hear about your wife, hope things come back around soon.
thanks loco.im sure the will hopefully sooner than later..lol i firgured that about the drives just wanted someone else to say the same
The main thing to keep in mind is that a bad flash can fry a drive and crossflashing can void warranties...thus a bad crossflash means an online shopping spree for a new drive. Ripper gave good advice when he told you to read the direction carefully, this can't be emphasized enough. Just curious why you would want to crossflash the drive...bored?
He didn't want to cross flash his drive in the first place but it was a solution to his problem I suppose and I only posted that as something that might interest him
That was a good link Ripper, I'm just a firm believer of "if it ain't broke don't fix it"..plus the link didn't really look to promising for crossflashing to LG.
Thanks, and I don't rly belive in crossflahing, but it's a solution. And yes flashing to LG didn't look too promising; but they might have not followed the instructions [bold]exactly[/bold] But i didn't intend him to flash to LG, merely to another HP
no i wasnt oging to do it .like ripper said it could be a solution...im just not to thrilled with this burner. its not compatable with any of the quality checks, and from what i have seen from others useing the same media as i am burnt at the same speed etc...they are getting better scores. the only thing i can think is my burner isnt that good of a burner