well im using my laptop for around 2 years with windows xp running on it ,,it worked fineu until i upgraded to vista ... the 1st time i upgraded everything was fine ,then when i downgraded to xp there was no sound ... i can listen to the sound only if i plug in my headphones ,when i remove them again no sound ... my sound drivers r updated... dont know if there is a problem with my onboard spekrs. i will be glad if someone would kindly look forward to help me..
If you didn't format the hard drive, before you DOWNGRADED to Vista, and you didn't format the hard drive, when you UPGRADED back to XP, there are probably gremlins left in the registry. Did you format the drive, in both cases?
I appreciate for all ur kind help ,but i sorted out the problem in some other way... i flashed my bios and upgraded it ..and now my speakers are working fine ,,but i still dont know what the problem was ,,any how its solved im happy ,,,.. and thanks all for ur help...
Hello bayezid, actually I have the same problem with my sound speakers in the same computer (HP Pavilion dv6000) could you tell me how did you flashed and upgraded your bios? Which software have you used?
well if u have read my problem properly then why wouldnt i help you.. just follow this link to hp site and you will find the winflash software. heres the link =http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-56122-1&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&lang=en&os=2093&product=3280000
hey sorry i am kind a new to all this so ...yea first download the winflash software..after that just run the program and it will flash your bios plus upgrade it to version F.29... i hope this helps..