Hi bought a HP7470 with media center to update my home built system. I need to know if there is some way of moving to dvd the tv shows I record. the way the system makes me do it now is soooo slow takes about 50 minutes to record a 1 hour show to dvd from the hard drive. When I make a backup copy of my dvds it takes a third of that time. I use the original xcopy or 1 click dvd copy to do this. I can not seem to find any info on the web to help me speed the copying process when using media center. and help or direction??
hi there,im about to get media centre.when recording shows do you need to have it on the screen or can you minimise it and like play a game.
i wanted to do the same thing a few weeks ago so i got to doing some research and found a plugin for media center called AutoDVRconvertv1.3 it is kinda complicated to install correctly. it does convert the DVR-MS files to mpeg (or other formats) very fast. i did my wifes country music video awards show some 2 1\2 hours in about ten minutes. and i edit with ulead dvd movie factory. worked out great. it even has like an automated commercial removal thing. i haven't used it yet. just google it, you should come up with the media center plugin site.