i was just wondering which rca plug goes into my stero i have two choices of rca plugs 1.spdif plug 2. a yellow plug with a picture of a tv with an arrow going horiziontally through it (going to the right), i pretty much know how to hook up steros but i don't want to dammage my new laptop,the stereo has right and left aux/viedo if anyone can help me with this it will be appreaicated thanks
spdif is audio, yellow (orange) is video, unless of course you're talking about S-Video, and you haven't got an audio cable at all.
rebbot got one more ? could you show/tell me how to hook this cable to my stereo,is there an adaptor could buy to convert those plugs into plugs that will work with my stero, what i want to do is run my computer cd player through my stero system thanks much
First, determine if the input or output you have is S-Video (or something else) on both devices. (RTFM) Go down to the local Radio Shack, BetsBuy or whatever, and get the cables and adapters you need. You need a method of getting video from one to the other. You need a method of getting audio from one to the other. It's that simple.