I have DVD XCOPY platinum, dvd decrypter, and dvd shrink. In the last few days, when I try to burn and copy any dvd (I've tried many) it burns but when it comes to finalizing (XCOPY) it acts like it's finalizing but never finishes. When I use Decrypter or shrink most of the time it makes it seem like it has copied correctly but when I put the dvd in my player it says the disk is dirty and my computer won't even read it if I try to play it on there. Every once in awhile it won't even finish copying with decrypter or shrink it just says there is an error. Please help, I have taken my computer to 2 different computer shops who say my burner is fine, but there is a problem with my software!!! I'm not computer savvy enough to know where to look for the problem or how to fix it. thanks dreday424
What dvds are you having problems with you may want to uninstall dvdx copy and use a different ripper Shrink is no longer being up dated dvd decrytor is no longer being updated you might want to try DVD FAB or DVD43 both of these programs are free and they will decrypt the newer dvds you can use dvd decrypter to burn the disc if you create a iso file with Shrink
Creaky knows that it's the media that's causing trouble and or it's the firmware that's not uptodate! DVDXCopy, DVDDecrypter and DVDShrink are not updated anymore. Decrypter and Shrink will work with older movie but some newer DVDs won't wor with those programs. You need up to date programs like DVDFab Decrypter..... that is always updated and it's still free: http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm once you ripped that movie to the hard drive you can now use DVDShrink! but........ Which means your disk is of not being recognized by your player and the computer has trouble playing it because it's probably crappy media! Use Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Sony, Maxell.....just remember that the good media that's out there is [bold]Made in Japan.[/bold] ok......now what's the burner make and model? You can go here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php find out if you have the latest firmware for your drive. Firmware is a program writen in your drives memory that identifies media and settings. It is always recommended to have the latest firmware so that your drive will recognize all or most of the media that is available. one more useful bit of information that would make your disk more compatible with most players would be to booktype your drive to DVD-ROM: check out Booktypin/Bitsetting: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php now you are equipped to do the job right!