I downloaded a my name is earl episode from mininova and converted it to the mp4 file like always. before that i had dnlded the new ipod updater. then the mnie episode would not go on the ipod. i tried man other episodes and they would not go on either. is anyone having this problem with the new updater or is it my files?
I don't think the updater is the problem, but i'll look into it for any bugs or the like; What program/app do you use to convert your video?
i use xilisoft ipod video converter and i convert to ipod 30gb mp4 excellent quality. when i try and put the vids on ipod from itunes it said ipod cannot play this type of file
I have the 30gb Video IPod and tried various video converters.However the only one which converted everything successfully was "Videora IPod Converter" . Its also simple to use and freeware site below.LUCK http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/iPod/