Hi, I'm an experienced computer programmer (don't like the term coder). I've been programming for over 30 years and I'm fluent in several programming languages. However, I've only been involved with DSS testing for the past year and consider myself DSS tester. I've got CW-600S, PANSAT 2500, 2700 and 3500SD, VIEWSAT 2000, PLAT/XTREME and SONIC VIEW 1000/4000 recievers and they are all working. I also have three 3 TIVOs networked with three other computers. In the past I waited for Chancy's Hughes/TIVO mods to the PANSAT bins but it seems that he has stopped modding the bin for the 3500SD. So, I took it upon myself and figured out how to add the Hughes IR codes. I've been able to do this successfully since the 3500SD 327 bins was released and was just trying to give something back to the community by posting the Tivo mod to the 3500SD files section. If you need this bin please contact me. Regards.
I'm a "programmer" too but haven't had the time to look into witting code for these boxes. Please let me know where can I get the file and how do you mod the bins. Thanks!