Problem I’m having a problem With FTP to Xbox

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Charleito, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Charleito

    Charleito Newbie

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Alright you guys, I have a modded Xbox with a master lock code on it which is stopping me from viewing all settings. I did some research and figured I can fix this by FTP’ing to it. I bought a laptop and crossover cable and still can’t seem to get it. All help is welcome and greatly appreciated !
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Do not delete anything from the xbox do NOT tamper with files in C or E unless you create copies & store them on another partition & have ftp'd them to pc

    Using a cross over requires both be static ip however if it fails switch to std cat 5 & use a router & reset to auto ip
    you can use explorer as ftp however i'd advise using filezilla either installed or as portable
    The issue you face is if you can't access settings you won't be able to make settings stick in the xbox .Solution use a bootable disc , i have AID if you require it or head over to the first link assuming downloads are available as they will have hexen (derivative of AID) . Unless chip has it's own dash to ftp with

    There is an ftp tut here.Go to forums then scroll down till you see archived.the old xbox forum is there.there may be one at retrozone

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