Well all you xbox gurus, as you can tell from the subject I am having emulator problems. I can see the Roms folder inside the emulator folder in file path E. I belive that is where I have read is the best place for them. Now I have been told that based off of the error listed in my subject, that there are no roms in my folder and this is true. I downloaded a couple of roms from a couple of sites. After unzipping them I got 2 things in the unzipped folder. One being a read me file that takes me back to there site and one that reads the game name and then .z64 followed by Z64 File. Now I don't know if this is right or not as I don't know what a good ROM is supposed to look like. Now to understand this totally I give you guys my thinking, so if I am wrong hopefully you can correct me. In the E path is my emulator file which inside holds the names of all the emulators ( probably shouldn't have done this as I probably won't find or even play but a few of them ) on the AID disc. Now once going inside the surreal64 folder I see the ini, media, roms and skins folders along with a listing of other things such as 1964.ini, surreal.ini, 1964-510 through 611.xbe and several other things. Now I assume any n64 rom I download would go inside the surreal64 folder in the roms file, but I am not sure and that is part of my problem. I also hope that this is the way the surreal64 folder should look at this point, with all the extra stuff in it other than folders skins, media, roms and ini. Also upon finding a good rom, what should it look like ie: aerofighter's assault.ini or .xbe or what and upon getting it right do I just FTP it to the roms folder. Sorry to have laid out so much here, but I don't know a lot still, though I have learned a lot from this site and appreciate any and all help given. Thanks.....
Thanks, I will give that a try and report my findings. So the prompt "please edit surreal.ini and refresh by pressing" dosen't have anything to deal with other than the missing roms? also in the ini file inside the roms folder there is another folder named games with nothing in it, is this correct?
i dunno i have my surreal 64 on a disc that i just burned didnt have to mess with any ini file but i know you are supposed to keep the games in zipped folders also put the games in the roms folder and the games folder and see if anything pops up....