I am trying to burn an ISO file I created with Avi2Dvd to a sony DVD-R disk with a DVD RW burner. I am getting this error right away: DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed! Device: [1:1:0] LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S BSOC (E (ATA) Unable to lock volume for exclusive access. Reason: Access is denied. then i click abort and the log shows: 11:11:17 Failed to lock volume for exclusive access. 11:11:17 Reson: Access is denied. 11:11:17 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:03:09 anybody please help.
Your firmware needs updating. See your other post. Try this: Tools - Settings - Write tab, uncheck "Lock Volume - Exclusive Access" Then Tools - Settings - Device tab and uncheck all under "Lock tray During . . . ."
http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43967 This info goes for imgburn as well. Edit: If you do not lock your tray for exclusive access any other thing going on during your burn will effect the outcome. From LUK!! developer of DVDDecrupter and ImgBurn http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=260
I had this happen once upon a time and had no other programs running that required disk access. Turning exclusivity off is the only thing that worked until I rebuilt the OS. I wasn't playing with the computer while it was burning so it wasn't a problem. Hopefully, your problem will be more easily solved by arniebear.
laddyboy i tried those tool settings but am still receiving the same error i am downloading nero now to try
Do what arniebear also suggested. You might also try using Device Manager to uninstall the drive and then allow WinXP to automatically reinstall it upon restart. Did you try updating the firmware?
Go to the other post you made. Click on the link I provided. Click on the last firmware version listed to download it. Click the downloaded file and OK the updating of your firmware.
Wow that f/w is old http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1934 It definately needs updated.
okay so i downloaded the LpnRPC from the link that Mort provided i ran query and said enable then ran imgburn and still got the same error. now what?
You are supposed upgrade you fw which is now BSOC to BSOY, dl the BSOY fw and flash your drive, you are running on very old firmware which does not allow for newer media recognition or write speed.
major progress but i still go a problem. the disk burned but when i watch it in the dvd player the sound is normal speed but the video is like fast forward. any ideas?
Try using the fully functional trial version of DVD Copy 4 Platinum to do the avi to dvd conversion. http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp
so you mean copy the iso onto dvd with dvd copy 4 then or the actual avi? If the actual avi how do you go about it?
Use DVD Copy 4 to convert the AVIs into DVD compliant files. The program has pretty good built in help. Click the Files icon to begin.
ok i burned the dvd but the avi was in two parts part one plays fine on the dvd play part two wont play it ejects the dvd what could have caused this?