I am too lazy to read the rules and do my own research....

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by RedSox123, Nov 1, 2005.

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  1. RedSox123

    RedSox123 Guest

    Yo guys, I have Mechassualt, Action Replay, FlashFXP, Xbox Live, and Halo 2. I want to mod on xbox live, i need a step by step tut. on how to do it, starting from the beggining. I'm not no fag that is begging to kno and all that, i dont need mods to level me up. Im a guy that plays around in customs. My AIM is RedSoxSuck@afterdawn.com, and my email is NoEmailsAllowed@AfterDawn.com. Please help.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2005
  2. Irshdrunk

    Irshdrunk Regular member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Hey I have a Halo LE xbox modded with X3, Xecuter 3029 bios, X3 Control Panel and LCD, 2 green 12000 mcd led's in each controller port, green and blue replacement led's in power/eject board, cutsom Decepticons clear jewel lit by green cold cathode ring, 300 GB Hard drive locked, wired Digital coax audio out installed in back, Xbox Live, Flash FXP, Halo 2, Mechassualt, James Bond: Agent Under Fire, Splinter Cell and a partridge in a fusking pair tree. And I got it all and did it all by myself, cause I can read tuts and learned to use a potty chair at an early age.

    Soooooo...learn to pee standing up and then search for your answers, or atleast read and learn enough of what you are doing so you don't sound like a complete tool when you post. Or you just don't want to spend the time cause you know once it works you will get to mod for about 48 hours before you're ass get's banned from MM. Wow.

    EDIT:Why is this forum full of lazy shitbags? 8 out of 10 posts is a request for a walk me through, like people that did their research want to spend hours of their time pushing newbie's strollers around the park.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2005
  3. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    And this is why I am banning him for not reading the rules as well as not researching anything AND posting his email.
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