i'm thinking about modding my xbox with the xecuter 3 ce modchip but the more i read about bios, eeprom, dashboards and all that stuff the more confused i get. I already know that the dashboard is the menu that you see when you start your xbox without a game in it. and i plan on flashing with a dvd-r. before i get the chip i need to know what these things do.
well first you will need to get the newest hacked bios for the X3 go to #xbins on IRC to get that or pm me....second to go http://TeamXecuter.com for there flashing tutorials. 3rd i would download the AID 3.5(auto Installer Deluxe Disc) so you can install everything you need right after you flash your Bios....
dude, just do it and take your time and read and do alot of research. Then after you have modded your xbox, you will have the knowledge and later on you can mod other systems including XBOX 360 READ, READ, READ! teamxecuter has many great tutorials! Knowledge is Power! cheers
yeah colinman not good advice what if he runs into a problem because he dont know shi% about what he is doin with his modded xbox,then he will have to take it back to someone to get it fixed and fork out more cash....read read and read again look at pics and ask questions and then do the mod....because then you can be the one getting payed