I burned an iso file, now what do I do

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by WhoFriend, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. WhoFriend

    WhoFriend Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    I read the stickied thread, it's jsut taht I prefer not to see a bunch of drives. So I burned the iso to a CD (I heard you can do that, am I right?) I burned it with Nero (weird thing though, I selected CD-ISO, but when I went to add the .iso file it said that I should use the "burn compilation" function because it's a single image file. I dont' know what that means really). After i burned it I go to open it from My computer and magicISO pops up (which I had already downloaded a while ago). Where do I go from there? If this seems like a really basic, stupid question, that is because it is. I'm pretty new at this and have never done anything with an ISO before.
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    what kind of iso are you burning? if it's, say, a dvd-based ps2 game, then no, you can't burn it to cd.

    you're not going about this with complete thoughts. we need a full run-down of your exact situation before any help can be given.
  3. jazbebies

    jazbebies Guest

    Yeah as Auslander said it could be any iso for console, computer etc. So we need to know what the iso actually is. If its something like software, dvdvideo or even a game for the pc then you would want it to autorun when inserted into the cd/dvd drive. Usually when you install magiciso it opens every cd/dvd you insert into the drive as you may have given it permission to do so by accident.

    If indeed the iso is for pc, then you would need to change the autoplay option of the disk drive by going into "my computer" right clicking the cd/dvd drive that you use and go "properties" then the "autoplay" tab. as you can see now you can tell it to run a program when specific data is inserted into the drive. My advice would be to select the bottom choice "Prompt me each time to choose an action" A menu will appear on screen when a disk is inserted, this will allow you to choose the program that you would like to run the cd/dvd disk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2007
  4. WhoFriend

    WhoFriend Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    It's an iso of a video editing software, Power Director. Is there any other information you need?

    I have vista, so how would I access the autoplay tab in that?

    Is there any chance that I've burned it wrong? Also, assuming I burned it correctly, now that it's burned, I should be able to just double click the CD and have it open up as if it were a regular CD right?
  5. jazbebies

    jazbebies Guest

    For vista you go to start- then type "autoplay" in the search box, then press enter. it should be a piece of cake from then on.

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