If you really want to make true back up copys of all your movies well you need to get dvdxcopy.I noticed the newer dvds have what id called accoss i found a way to break so you can all enjoy no more errors.You can use dvdshrink as well but the main thing you need to get is dvdregion free+css it really works.....
man your at least 12 months out of date.DVDxcopy is old news and there are more advanced versions of dvd programs available now
Many programs like Shrink and Decrypter have come and gone since Xcopy was anything special. They may not have the same impact they once did, but each are still more useful that xcopy. Fab Decrypter is also great, DVD Rebuilder, DVD Clone2, Recode, Any DVD, and the list goes on. ANY of these programs or a combination of these programs will help you far more than xcopy will.
Thanks for the info, I guess I'm just looking for a program that will just copy a DVD straight up, nothing required from me. I'm looking for a program that I put the original in, then I put the blank in. Am I asking for too much or is DVD protection still too much? I usually just do xvid vids since my DVD player loves them.
quoted from jigen: add to the list nero roxio imgburn dvd43 and then this site link for all your dvd tools and now your set http://www.filepedia.com/
AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 will do exactly this, and it will be the best $$$ you have ever spent. When I burn, I do movie only. I put the movie in my reader, a blank in my burner, make 3 clicks, go grab a cup of coffee and the paper, and my copy is ready in 45-50 mintues. No muss, no fuss. There are free programs that will do just about the same thing (and I have these programs), but my way works much easier for me. Good luck and happy burning.
I'm with tsquare43... Those two apps are the winning team if you have to invest. Otherwise stick with DVDFab Decrypter and DVD Shring with the aid of VOBblanker...