I cant boot the Original Dashboard without the EvoX Logo to play XBox live

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by teknotnt, May 30, 2006.

  1. teknotnt

    teknotnt Member

    May 30, 2006
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    Here's my problem. I installed an Xecuter3 Modchip on a 1.6 Xbox using the Xapter Solderless Connection.

    I successfully flashed the BIOS from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3

    Then I installed the EvoX Mod to allow me to play the BackUp Games.

    All of this was done on Bank 1 and 2. I did two banks in case something goes wrong with one i dont have to stop playing to fix right away.

    Now, when I turn on the Xbox, the EvoX Logo comes up and I can see the original MS Dashboard, plus I can also play my BackUp Games as well as my original games.

    The problem now it that I want to bypass the Xecuter and go on XBox Live, but when I hold down the power button, instead of bypassing the Xecuter, it keeps booting the EvoX Logo on the Screen. As far as I'm aware from other mods I did in the past, isnt it supposed to bypass and boot the original MS Dashboard WITHOUT the EvoX logo to be able to play Xbox Live?

    Or am I wrong in my assumption here and I can continue to Xbox Live?

    Please let me know if anyone has had this problem or if I am just paranoid about nothing at all.

    I need to be absoloutely sure because i DO NOT want to get banned from Xbox Live because of my Xecuter.

    Thanks people.

  2. 0900

    0900 Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    The proceedure to boot with chip disabled is to depress the power button on boot, so, it should work, however, try this.
    Boot to X3 Live Config and scroll down to the option "Reboot With X3 Disabled" hit it, this will reboot with the X3 Modchip turned off. See if the EvoX logo still appears or not, it really shouldn't. It wouldn't hurt to enable "XBL Login Disable" in there while you are at it, if you do not already have it enabled.



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