I'm a newbie. I want to burn some DVD's. I have downloaded some movies from Lime wire onto my hard drive but my current burning software won;t allow me to burn them into DVD's due to protection. what software do I need to download to acomplish this. I have downloaded DVDshrink and DVDeciper, but they want to rip a DVD and I already have the files downloaded to my HD.
Use DVD Flick to create DVD compliant files and then burn them to your blank DVD with Imgburn. Here is a guide ~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/552742
Christmas is only a week away....good thing burners are cheap these days. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118011
You can use Nero too , You can Burn these file to DVD using Nero Vision. Nero Vision will transcode these files the prob is with the subtitles I think you can't put subs using Nero Vision. But if you want to burn Avi (Divx) you can use ConvertXtoDVD its very good you can put subtitles too.