I've had an R4 card for a while now and have been playing ds games on it. Today i added an snes emulator and it seemed to work fine for a while playing it. The screen froze while i was playing a game, so i turned off the ds. When i turned the ds back on it said "Couldn't find_DS_Menu.DAT. Then i plugged the memory card that was in my r4 card back into my computer to see if something got erased off of it. When i plugged it back in to my computer it showed everything was missing off it except for a blank file that said it had 0 bytes. I tried to delete that and it wouldn't let me delete that file. Next I tried to add the firmware again, but it said there wasn't enough memory. I'm not sure what to do about this. Please help.
The SD card is corrupted, try to format on the PC, if this fails then put it into a dumb device, (camera or phone) try to format it there, if it does not work then I am afraid the SD is destroyed.