Hi All sorry if this is in the wrong place and if so feel free to move. I have been using this computer as a second computer in the house but the sound is not working, it has recentely been recovered and everything was wiped so I assume the audio drivers are missing? The computer is a pentium 4 (medion) and it has built in speakers on the flat screen monitor which were working fine before the recovery. We also have a set of cheapish advent speakers and the missus wants them used if possible but we have no disk. Any help would be very much appreciated. Dan
What does this mean. Was the C: drive formatted? If it was, yes that would be the cause. You are correct you will not have sound without the proper drivers. If your hard disk does not work at all you will need one of those as well. You can get large HDs for very little money. If you are unsure what to buy the build your own PC forum has the hardware expertise. You can try looking for the drivers on the web or hopefully you have the instalation disks. If not, buy a new card. A Sound Blaster Audigy SE can be had for 22 USD plus shipping. That is a fairly nice card, probably much better than what you had.