ok i recently installed an xecuter 3 on my box and the enable buton on the switch works fine and everything but whn i press disable, my xbox goes into a screen and says call costimer support with a bunch of chinese letters around it. I dont know if its my dashboard or not because if i enable my chip and go into my evox dashboard, i can go to the ms dash fine. but if anyone knows how to fix this problem plz tell me so i cn go on xbl. (not to mod)
ya i cn load it from evox. Ijust cant when i disable my modchip and cn u plz link me to a tut on how to do this if thts the problem
ok when i boot my xbox with my modchip off it says service reqiured, call costimer support in english and other languages. i cant list my c drive. the boot priority on my x3 live config screen is exox first then xbox dash. its loadeing from drive c. and if this might help the dashboard was working fine before i flashed my bios and installed my evox dashboard. I didnt use the 3294 bios or whtever one tht is. (the new one)
ok but im confused, wht exactly do i do to fix this problem. take out my xbox dash and put it back in?
ok but xbins is the only place that i know that has the ms dashboard and even when i use the easy xbins thing it says party invite only so i cant get in