ok guys, i really need help with this... i jus recently modded my xbox and everything went great... i can mod halo on live and everything, but that's not the issue here... my friend asked me to mod his and that's when it went wrong... i modded his and at first it was fine but than i needed to burn halo and didnt have space so i started deleting things to make run and what do you kno, i deleted his ms dash as well as evox... now when i turn on the box it just stays at the screen with the green xbox logo and doesn't do ne thing at all ultimately leading to the fact that i can not FTP bacause the dash doesn't load... if i put in a game i have to power cycle the box in order for it to load... so basically this box is crap and my friend is on the verge of making me buy him a new one, and i don't have the money to do so... so, can anyone help me with this, any and all comments would be greatly appreciated... please, please, someone help me with this... what do i have to do, or is there even anything i can do instead of just buying him a new one and starting all over...
You could try and do a hotswap if you can see the microsoft logo under the big X and xbox logo Hotswap link. If it is hard modded then you should be able to use a slayers or other auto install disc.
i dont have the run linux on my harddrive... i have all three games, but i dont have the exploits to do so... and it is soft modded, i did not use a chip... can i still jus make a data cd and run the files from that?
oh, and my friend is afraid i will mess up his computer doin a hotswap... so is this my only choice, or can i fix it without taking apart his computer?
well if your afraid of messing something up you can take it to a professional but im sure you can hotswap it yourself its really easy and 9/10 times it wont mess anything up
can you explain to me exactly how to do it in your own words better than this tutorial did that way i dont fusk anything up and my friend will aggree to letting me do it... you can send me an email or another message, just step by step on how i can get this done for my friend and what programs i need and where i can get them
you need to remove the email address from your sig and post but to hotswap you turn off your computer, and then turn on your xbox and wait until you see "microsoft" under the big green x then unplug the grey cable from the hard drive and plug a computer IDE cable into it and turn the computer on the computer should read the drive and there ya go
so that all i have to do to hook it up, ok now what programs do i need and where can i get them... would this xplorer369 that i already have work to do what i need to do or would does it freeze up because i heard some of them are faulty
You can get xplorer360 from here. you will also need to get a ready made soft mod installer. I would suggest shademand's ready made installer, once you have both of these you can softmod once again or you can restore it back to factory. Shademand's will have all the files and readme in it to tell you what files you need to copy to restore or softmod. You can get it off of a bit torrent.
i've already got both or those, i was just making sure i didnt need anything else... thanks you guess, so much, i really appreciate it