i got notice for copyright infringement!!!???

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by malyfsux, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. malyfsux

    malyfsux Member

    Dec 7, 2006
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    sup guyz........i was just done d/l Smackdown vs. Raw 07 for my PS2...and half n hour later i find this email from my ISP Roger's Cable (toronto) that they got this notice from ESA that they saw my IP downloading it from BitTorrent........i have been using P2P for years and this is the first time i got something like this.......so could anyone please tell me what to do.......i searched over the net and found out that according to Canada's Copyright Laws it is legal to Download anything using P2P or any source as long as you are not UPLOADING that file at the same time or after it has finished downloading

    soo could any1 tell me should i reply or just lay low (i deleted the file from my BitTorrent software....should i also delete it from my computer??)
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Get some legal counsil.
    It's the only thing you can really do.
    Also, if you're going to continue dowloading stuff, start using Peerguardian 2
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2006
  3. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    it's just strong arm scare tactics, there isn't a damn thing they can do to you. you'll get letters saying you better settle with them for X amount of dollars or else, blah blah blah. just ginore it, it will never go to court. tell them you have no knowledge of it. I've had so many letters like this from direcTV and never once replied back with and anything other than "F*UCK OFF - PROVE IT" and i still have not heard 1 thing back (years and years ago). they send out these mass letters in hopes that some of the people will get scared and pay up to avoid court. it is borderline extortion. I know people that got the same exact letters I did at the same time and they freaked out and payed the $3000 "generous settlement offer" from direcTV, but i tell them to kiss my ass and i dont hear a thing. i'm telling you there is nothing they can do.
  4. cyberock

    cyberock Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I noticed on peer gaurdian tonight that a lot of the psp files had Sony Hong Kong connected to them...hmmm.
  5. naveens

    naveens Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Hi There,

    Juyst want to let you know I have recieved two of these emails - one from NBC and one From ESA. Nothing happens as long as you remove those files and stop sharing them. I have since then installed safepeer with my azureus and hope that it helps. Although to be honest I found that I can get massive amounts of games and other stuff by using newsgroups which is much easier. send me a pm and I can tell you how to get on the newgroup that I use. Plus DL speeds are amazingly fast!!

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