Hey guys, I just a letter today claimimg I ran a red light...Help me beat it! The letter states I was going 37mph and and ran the red light, but can they prove I ran it? can it be a machine malfunction and does someone have to prove I was running the red light? The signature the was summoned was computer generated, isn't that a forge of documentation? I need some help here guys, thanks!
have them produce the picture of your car with the licence plate clearly visible with the red stop light on
quote ddp near neph's place thats the reason ye got the ticket in the first place living near neph....
I rather wish they'd do that in Philly. Not only would the city make a fortune but us pedestrians downtown might stand a better chance of making it through the day alive lol!
Now that sucks. Where I live we dont have the cursed redlight cameras but we have the ones that they lay down on the highway and but you for speeding. They also like to take out a airplaine and but you for speeding that way. 2 weeks later you get a letter and a ticket. It really sucks. But yeah ask for a photo. And if you live in the USA take it to court. Everyticket everytime!!! Most of the time they will just drop it if you take it to court.
gerry1 quote I rather wish they'd do that in Philly me too for as it should be the same for jay-walkers in philly and all pedestrians should have a plate on there bum for the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in Phoenix, AZ Is this going to hold up in court or just a theory? What can I say or do to help me win this case?
Not sure about what it's like where you are but i know that here in South Australia it's like a massive percentage of people who challenge speeding fines and such win due to a lack of evidence.. Such as the image not completely being clear.. Ask for all the evidence they have got.. { G }
@Ireland....LOL! Ah but we have to jaywalk. With right turns on red lights, you either jay walk or spend the entire day standing in one spot! There was a time when a yellow light meant hurry up before it turns red. A red light in Philly means that itw really still green for the next 45 seconds so hurry up. Of course, when I'm renting a car for the day, then its always the pedestrian whose at fault as I never am LOL! @geestar: hell, if you didn't run the light, they couldn't possibly have it on film; how could a camera malfunction in such a way? Sure worth a try rather than have points against your license, have your insurance go up etc.
its a very unfair system,any one can be driving his car and run a red light and he still gets the ticket...... my defense would be: we were setting up for a party and on that day about 8 different people were driving my car to get stuff.. and on that day i only used my car to put it my garage to move it out of the way for more parking..
Good idea Ireland; how the hell do they know who was driving the car? You can't hold one personal responsible for the infractions of another. I'll bet it would work!
I seen this thread last night and today, by some strange reason, this was in my local newspaper so I found the digital edition for you. http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060714/NEWS33/607140401
I read up alot on this type of traffic ticket crapp and I feel confident I will plead insanity! j/k I decided I would try this product called Photoblocker which is a spray adhesive that reflects the flash back at the camera. I really hope it works (not that I will do this running red lights or speeding on purpose!) I am in no way pimping this site (as flip218 would say, lol) just giving info, http://phantomplate.com/
geestar20 next time see if the light is green..if not smile for the camera as ye go through the red light..just think ye can save some money..the copy of the photo can be used for ye passport pix or driver license pix..
well im not sure how it works in az, but where i live if it doesent go on my insurance, then i just pay the fine. if it doese ill get a slick talking attorney for $200.00 and everything is taking care of. if u know for sure ur going to be running alot of red lights, u can go to wally world and pick-up a set of tags and the world is yours. just make sure u dont get pulled with those tags though. that wouldnt be good, stolen tags and all.hehehe.