u know coming into forums and saying my comp is shit and then saying i need a driver isnt a very "good" way to get ppl to help you out so in future tell us what ur on about and there is about 150 drivers for windows so.......
only a 150, i thought there was millions upon millions of drivers. than why do i have all these driver cds. must be loaded with spam then!!!
theres more than 150 drivers for windows.....theres so many it aint even funny...... 150 is wrong..... what program or app do you need a driver for..
windows media player 10.....y u even messing with trying to find the driver for it when its free..... just uninstall it and go download again for free???
goto google. type microsoft windows media player. type I hate my pc. if you dont get your driver type I hate micosoft and gill bates
your mad..when i upgraded my motherboard i hated my pc that much i used a dremmel (mini hand held grinder) and ground my motherboard into dust. he he he...