I have a charter DVR. do you know how you get the video off of the harddrive.it has a USB and 2 firwire.but it has no network port. if you can help then thanks
If it's anything like the Tivo series 2 units that I've read about, you can use a USB network adapter. I've heard of people having luck with 3com & Linksys. I just ordered a Tivo a couple days ago, but yesterday I found out about the Charter DVR and we have Charter digital cable already. I hope we can get the DVR here. I didn't realize it has a USB port, that's great. I have Hawking & Linksys USB network adapters and plan on trying them on there now. I'm calling Monday to find out if I can get it locally. How do you like it? Have you had a Tivo, and if so, how does it compare? Thanks.