Hi, to start off, I obviously am new to this and need help. I apologize if this has already been discussed, but I just scimmed through all of the recent topics to see if there was anything like this but I didn't really see anything and I am short on time. Anyways... I have a 30GB ipod video and as you might have guessed, I am trying to get dvd movies onto it. I found a website which slightly helped, but I ran into an error at the end of what I was doing. The website is: http://arstechnica.com/guides/tweaks/ipod-video.ars/5 I followed all of the directions and did everything. I got my video into itunes and it played fine in itunes. Then I put it onto my ipod, but when I played it on my ipod, the screen went blank (like it usually does before a movie because there is a slight pause) but nothing happened, then finally it went back to the movie selection menu. I don't know what I did wrong, I even tried it with two other movies. I am getting so frustrated because this has been taking me months attempting to figure out how to do this. I joined this site and I'm trying to find someone who could give me some answers of what I did wrong, or what I can do. Also, I don't want to try other ways because I already have tried. Please help!
hey Liquial If you want to change ur approach to putting ur dvds on ur ipod, u can use this site. It has worked for me and its an easy guide to follow. http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/guides.html All you need is DVD Decrypter (which I already assume u have) and Videora Ipod Converter. If you have any question feel free to ask.
Ok I just tried that videora thing but I found out that the sound and video are not in sync! >=( This has happened to me before, and I guess it relates to the settings somehow! Some help please? I hope I get this figured out, the video is ahead of the sound when I played the video. THanks!
-Sorry but there is no current solution to the audio lag situation that some people seem to get. All I can suggest is using quicktime pro for flawless video on your iPod
@ Liquial Hi, I have the 30gb ipod also and I had the same problem too but I know what Iam doing now. If you have dvd backsups and you want those to be on the ipod use NERO RECODE, this very great. if you have some retail dvds that are not backups, I prefer using dvd decrytper and then convert them to mp4 format which the ipod only takes on videos. When you are about to convert them to mp4 in Nero Recode, Press Advance-->Press on Quicktime Compablity--->then convert the file or dvd. The file is convert is on your hard drive now. Just add that converted video file to Itunes then update your ipod video then boom you got the video on there.
I have done everything sackingz suggested and I get the same results on a couple DVDs. Some work fine others do not. The sync problem seems to be quite common. btw, if you just do as sackingz suggests you will sometimes get video output sized wrong. This is because Nero Recode with sometimes try to "Auto Crop" for you. So I have been successful in disabling auto cropping before converting the VOB files. Would be nice to know why some VOB files get out of sync like that. I have seen this happen with other video editing applications as well.