My question is simple enough. I've downloaded some flicks off the net and converted them with dvd flick. no problem but I can't watch them on my crappy sony dvd recorder. I wqas told that if I change to +r disks I could bitset them movies and probably solve my problem. My question now is since I have an old burner (pioneer A06. 106D) is it possible through the use of acquiring a firmware update, to be able to do this with the same burner that I have now? (my funds are way past low) I've never put an update on the burner, though I've also never had a problem burning anything with it. Any help from you tech wizards out there will be greatly appreciated!!
The latest factory firmware that I found was dated June of 2004, man that is old. I know that you said your funds were way past low, but if you are having issues, you would be much better off scraping together about 20 bucks and purchasing a new drive. Check out newegg, you can get a much better (newer) drive with free shipping right around the 20 dollar mark. If you are currently using -R disks then there should not be a compatibility issue when playing on your standalone.
Moved to dvd drives. Yeah ferguj1 is right - this is one old drive! Think of it this way - the $ you'll put out in coasters could go for a new drive. I would still update the firmware - link. Very easy to do and only takes a few minutes. All drives btw do not bitset/booktype. Your Pioneer will I think if you can find the buffalo firmware for it.