When the movies are on my pc there is nothing wrong with it but when i burn it and watch it on the dvd player sometimes the movies are not sycronized can anyone help me out
also sometimes at the start of the movie the middle part starts playing will the help you gave me help with that situation also?
What progran did you use to convert from avi to dvd? What brand, type, and speed of disks did you use? What is the brand and model of your burner? Sometimes just using a better quality program and good quality disks can resolve these issues, sometimes not.
I used Winavi to covert to avi. It is TDK disk DVD+R 1-16x 4.7GB. So can u help me out with this problem?
on another forum someone said that maybe i need to disable the device manager do i need to do this for the dvd to burn properly
WinAVI sometimes does this from my experience. Try DVD Copy 4 Platinum (free trial) and see if that works for you. http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp I think they meant to use Device Mgr to uninstall your burner. When WinXP restarts it sees the drive as new hardware and reinstalls it automatically.
well the movie is in avi so i use winavi to convert to dvd and nerovision to burn the movie to the dvd
Yes, use the program to convert the AVIs to DVD format. DVD Copy 4 will also burn the disk as well. We're testing to see whether WinAVI is the problem. You're the third person so far today with sync problems that's used WinAVI. Other programs that can be used are: DVD Santa Film Machine ConvertXtoDVD