because i kept on getting error code 7 for my xbox, which means my xbox's hard drive died, i had to go out and buy a new hard drive. So i did. I bought a Western Digital 160gb hard drive. I connected the new heard drive to ym xbox and got error code 13. Im guessing i have to put the neccassary xbox files into the hard drive. Can anybody tell me how to do it?Thanks.
yeh i got a hard chip DUOX 2 LITE modchipped installed...but im not sure if it still reads burnt should.
ok download slayers evoX autoinstaller 2.7 and burn that to a cd/dvd and put it in your xbox and install the needed files
OMG!!!I tried to do that but it said it cannot read it...i burnt it on both dvd and cd. Look below, ill show u what i done.
ok i extracted the iso file and i got these files : Now do i put those files to a cd or dvd?can i do it with nero?give it a quick toturial for it please.
ok nvm that i got slayers 2.7 on ym xbox now...i was about to install a new hard drive but it keeps going on about the imprtance of backing i really need to?>?
you xbox is modded you dont need to as long as your bios doesnt require the drive to be locked you wont need your eeprom