k so my friend was trying to get action replay to work with mods on my box because he didnt have a computer and he got some program on my xbox and i thought i deleted it but now whenever i start up my box it just stays on the screen that says xbox and it will load games but it wont play live which is just about the only thing i do so i need some help thanks
i dont know the only thing is i still have like alll my saved games n stuff on my box and i cant look at my like memory because when theres no game in it just shows the xbox screen
well if you don't know if you have the exploits from the action repaly then put the game in that your frined brought over that is either 007:agent under fire, splinter cell the first one or the first mechassault. then load that game up and go to save or w/e and load up that save called linux or sumthin like that. it will install evox then you can get your xbox back to normal. but first check to see if that game works
do you have the game that your friend used to softmod your xbox? either 007 splinter cell or mechassault?
yea i have splinter cell and i have his action replay crap but i mean the saved games are not on splinter cell anymore and i cant load games from my action replay because i cant get to it
only messenger if you don't have them on your xbox then you couldn't reinstall it I guess you could try a slayers 2.6 cd. do you have mIRC and FlashFXP o other ftp program?
ok well run mIRC and then connect to #xbins when it asks you for a site. then type /msg xbins !list and hit enter to get a password and username. it will come up in another box at the top and you wil need to click on that to see them. then run smart ftp and connect to distribution.xbins.org, pass and username on port 21. it should connect and hit xbox then find auto installers and look for Slayer 2.6. download it.
will i just put it on the action replay and if so will it brg it right up when i start if not what should i do
you will need to burn it with a dvd burner. use nero and then click burn image to disc. put it on lke 1x or 4x if you can then burn it to the disc and put it in the xbox.
Go to start trouble shooter when trying to access LIVE, when it says ip not found or no dns resolved then go under settings, and press a when on manuel. and on the dns do the same thing. this allows your box to choose from a RANDOM ASSORTMENT OF IP ON YOUR MODEM.(like sherbert icecream mmmmmmmmmmmmm) and that should resolve your problem. SATALITTE USER? your screwed on this one, you need evo on your box