I've had a mod chip (Xecuter 2.3b lite) for a few months, but haven't started really using it until a few months ago. My software was in Italian, and me fooling around with the options, erased my C: Drive. Also, I have my settings configured to not Autoplay anything. To add another twist, I didn't unlock my hard drive first. I put in another HDD and i still got the Microsoft 16 message. I'm stimed. Thanks for all the help, Fred
The only way i can think of to recover your xbox is if you still have the original hd your xbox came with and still locked. Other than than its paperweight.
Hey Peachman, I used my friends modded xbox to fix mine (I put the hdd in his xbox and formatted). If you're interested I'll be glad to sell you my xbox. I have an xecuter 2.3b lite, a 40 gig hard drive, and a dashboard. Is it legal to say which one? Plenty of apps to come with. You set the price, and I'll be glad to haggle. Thanks a lot, Fred