i modded my xbox now what do i do?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by isaacbomb, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    what can i do i cant really ftp but how can i get apps on it and stuff
    i read i can do it through cd-r and dvd-r

    how can i get burned/storebought dvd movies/cdr movies if possible to work it didnt work when i put it in

    and how can i install xbmc as my dash withought ftping

    also im in the process of downloading aid 4.30

    right now
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2008
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Yes, you can, and it works quite efficiently.
    Before we dive into burning them and such, lets get XBMC as your dash. Get the AID iso from here:
    Once its finished downloading, pop it into your Xbox, and choose XBMC as the Dash choice.

    Now, once that is done, burn what you want to a disk (movies, games, whatever)
    Load up XBMC, and navigate to the tab labeled "System", and then go to Memory, and then File Explorer. After that, go to the D: Drive. Now you have to press the right arrow on the D Pad, then navigate to where you want whatever files it is to be stored. After you're in the folder, press the left arrow on the D Pad, and highlight whatever item you want, and hit the white button. Now just press copy.
    Hope that was simple enough.

  3. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    yeah i already was dling aid but its dling really slow like

    also wil i be able to play movies with just xbmc or do i need something like dvdx

    also i have a usb memory card and the attach ment for the xbox

    if that matters

    fixed the problem i was conecting to my neighbors router and he lives like 3 houses down-_- lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2008
  4. corn

    corn Guest

    XBMC supports many different media types, I haven't even tried all of them yet.
    A USB memory card is very handy, I use mine so I can hook up a keyboard when I use Linksbox, works nice.

    Anyways, if you have any other questions, let me know.

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