i need a good DVD player. got any in mind?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by forumLife, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. forumLife

    forumLife Guest

    ok well in my room i have a small "uhhh"*thinks a little* well umm a small TV not to big but i want a good DVD player because im tired of using my PS2. i dont want to spend like a lifes saving on a DVD player i want one that can read disc that are burnt and stuff. but not to pricy...I've had a DVD player but some how it got stolen.

    thank you in advance.(if i can not repley later)
  2. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    Try the "el cheapo" Wal Mart special ($27.87) ?

    Plays just about anything.

    Actully , all the "el cheapo" Made in China play just about anything.

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