I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but i need a software that allows me to create data cds and leave them open if need be. Where I can create cds and use them kinda like floppys. I used directCD which let me burn cd-r's and allows me to create data cds and leave them open for future use. I need a program where i can drag and drop files into my cdwritter, and i can save my files on to a cd-r like a floppy through any application. DirectCD from roxio no longer allows that operation for cd-r's please help!! -first thread_X_X_X_X_X_[small]One And Only J.Kja, [/small]
You need packet writing software such as DirectCD or Ahead InCD. You use cdrw's, not cd-r's and you would format the cdrw first, then kinda use the cdrw as a hard drive. I don't endorse DirectCD but I do recommend Ahead InCD. Shoey