I have a softmodded xbox and I was wondering if there is a site where I can get new Halo 2 maps (not the official microsoft maps) or any other way I can create my own maps? I am tired of multiplaying them with my friends over and over and over and over again. I know you can create your own maps in halo 2 for pc but can I import those to my xbox? Or does anybody out there have any new maps they've created? Any info will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks
If you want to get the new maps just go here http://www.akautorentals.com/Download/Modding/Original_Maps/New_Maps/ If you wnat to get someone else's map then just go to google and type in (halo 2 filefront) without parenthesis. you can just make your own by using HMT 3.5 or using Dot halo. BTW: you can get these programs here http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/halo-2-mod-programs/49921-all-modding-tools.html